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  • Book
    Daniel Weberg, Kara Mangold, Tim Porter-O'Grady, Kathy Malloch.
    Summary: Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Healthcare, Third Edition, gives nursing students the opportunity to develop the leadership skill set they will need to succeed in the field. The text acknowledges that not all nurses will be managers, but that all, regardless of career path, will be leaders. The Third Edition focuses on current leadership, innovation, and organization theory and prepares students for a transition into leadership positions. It also explores time management, finance and fiscal management, communication and negotiation, ethical decision making, career management, and much more.

    Change and innovation
    Becoming a professional nurse
    Person of the leader : the capacity to lead
    Conflict skills for clinical leaders
    Staffing, scheduling, and patient care assignments : models, components, and measures of effectiveness
    Principles of ethical decision making
    Leadership : the foundation of practice partnership
    Resources for healthcare excellence
    Navigating the care network : creating the context for professional practice
    Managing your career : a lifetime of opportunities and obligations
    Policy, legislation, licensing, and professional nurse roles
    Delegation and supervision : essential foundations for practice
    Overcoming the uneven table : negotiating the white waters of the profession
    Accountability and ownership : the centerpiece of professional practice
    Integrating learning : applying the practices of leadership.
    Digital Access R2Library 2019
    Limited to 1 simultaneous user
  • Article
    Boughton-Smith NK, Vane JR, Whittle BJ.
    Br J Pharmacol. 1978 Mar;62(3):413P.
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