ArticleKahana-Rojkind AH, McCarroll TR, Kuhns BD, Parsa A, Quesada-Jimenez R, Domb BG.
Arthrosc Tech. 2024 May;13(5):102958.
Retracted full-thickness tears of the gluteus medius tendon are a well-recognized cause of disabling weakness and pain that significantly impact patients' quality of life. We present an efficient knotless parachute technique for dermal allograft augmentation in open gluteal abductor tendon repairs. Our technique reinforces the suture-tendon interface by incorporating a robust biological scaffold into a knotless double-row fixation. This approach capitalizes on the increased pressure and contact area achieved between the greater trochanter and the dermal allograft/gluteus medius tendon construct without the prominence of knotted sutures.