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  • Article
    Liu X, Liang C, Fan J, Zhou M, Chang Z, Li L.
    Aquat Toxicol. 2023 May;258:106483.
    The negative consequences of microplastics pollution on the health of aquatic species have garnered extensive attention. However, the mechanisms through which microplastics may cause harm in the reproductive processes of fish remain unknown. For this study, Cyprinus carpio var. was subjected to four treatments with various concentrations of PVC microplastics for 60 days, through food rationed diets (no plastic control, 10%, 20% and 30%). The gonadosomatic indices, gonad and brain histologies, sex hormone levels, and transcriptional and translational genes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes of both sexes were observed. According to the results, the gonadosomatic indices were significantly decreased, gonadal development was delayed, and the level of estradiol (E2) in the females was significantly elevated. In addition, the expression levels of genes associated with the HPG axis in the brains and gonads (gnrh, gtha1, fshβ, cyp19b, erα, vtg1, dmrt1, sox9b, and cyp19a) and the transcription levels of apoptosis-related genes in the brains and gonads (caspase3, bax, and bcl-2) exhibited significant changes. Further investigation revealed that the translation levels of genes linked to sex differentiation and sex steroid hormone (cyp19b and dmrt1) were significantly altered. These findings indicated that PVC likely microplastics may have a negative impact on the reproductive system of Cyprinus carpio var. by inhibiting gonadal development, affecting the gonad and brain structures, and altering the levels of steroid hormones and the expression of HPG axis-related genes. This work provides new insights into the toxicity of microplastics in aquatic organisms by revealing that PVC microplastics are a potential threat against the reproduction of fish populations.
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