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  • Article
    Lopes H, Silva SP, Carvalho JP, Machado J.
    Sci Rep. 2022 May 14;12(1):8002.
    In order to predict the evolution of the vulcanization process of cork-rubber slabs, a numerical approach was developed combining heat transfer by conduction and kinetics models. A one-dimensional model was applied to predict the evolution of temperature and degree of cure at different stages of the vulcanization of a cork-rubber composite. Also, due to the degradation verified by the compound, an existent reversion model was added to the problem. Based on rheometer data, cure and reversion parameters were determined. Experimental data were used to determine the thermal properties of the compound, assuming a constant value or according to its degree of cure and temperature. The results obtained by simulation showed a good correspondence with experimental results, even when assuming constant thermal properties. The application of the proposed methodology provides information about the optimum process parameters for each thickness slab, without compromising the homogeneity and characteristics of the final product, which can be a valuable tool during the development and product stages of cork-rubber composites.
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