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    Niknazar H, Mousavi SR, Niknazar M, Mardanlou V, Coelho BN.
    Epilepsy Res. 2020 11;167:106483.
    Automatic detection of epileptic seizures can serve as a valuable clinical tool which involves a more objective and computationally efficient method for the analysis of EEG data in order to generate increasingly accurate and reliable results. Automatic seizure detection is also an important component of closed-loop responsive cortical stimulation systems. The goal of this study is to evaluate EEG-based features recently proposed for seizure detection to discover the optimum ones for a reliable seizure detection system. We extracted seizure detection features from intracranial EEG signals that were recorded during invasive pre-surgical epilepsy monitoring of people with drug resistant focal epilepsy at the Epilepsy Center of the University Hospital of Freiburg. Features from time, frequency and phase space domains as well as similarity/dissimilarity features were considered. The performance of each feature was investigated using the statistical test ANOVA. Performance analysis was conducted separately on the recordings from the channels within the seizure-onset zone (SOZ-in) and the recordings from the channels outside the seizure-onset zone (SOZ-out). Similarity/dissimilarity features that measure dynamic properties of the EEG signal and the evolving phenomena of the seizures could significantly separate ictal (during seizure) states from pre-ictal (before seizure) states (p < 0.01). Among them, our proposed feature, Bhattacharyya-based dissimilarity index (BBDI), successfully passed Tukey's post-hoc test as well suggesting that it can distinguish both pre-ictal and post-ictal (after seizure) periods from ictal period. BBDI was further applied to detect epileptic seizures and achieved area under the curve of the receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) equal to 0.96 and 0.94 for SOZ-in and SOZ-out channels, respectively. No significant difference (p = 0.59) was observed in the performance of features between SOZ-in recordings and SOZ-out recordings. The discriminative value of EEG seizure detection features was determined by statistical tests. As a result, the best features to be selected for a reliable seizure detection system designed for people with drug-resistant focal epilepsy were suggested, which include similarity/dissimilarity indices.
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