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  • Article
    Røtterud OJ, Gravning GEN, Hauge SJ, Alvseike O.
    MethodsX. 2020;7:100829.
    The Hygiene Performance Rating scheme is developed by Animalia in Norway. This unique auditing tool for assessment of slaughter hygiene has been used in Norwegian abattoirs for the last 10 years. The Hygiene Performance Rating scheme visually evaluates and documents each operation on the slaughter line, assessing the factors that can affect the slaughter hygiene. The protocol is based on a systematic evaluation of general hygienic practices of each operation, such as the operators' hygienic behavior and risk handling of the carcasses, along with routines and management. The scores are registered in a web-based application. The observations are given a score from 1 to 3, where 1 means "acceptable", 2 = "potential for improvement", and 3 = "not acceptable". Scores for each position is multiplied with a weight factor for hygienic impact and risk (1, 3, 6 or 12) and economic consequences (1 or 2) describing whether the necessary improvement depends on a significant investment (1) or if it is a cheap quick-fix (2) and calculated into a percentage where 100% is perfect hygiene. A presentation of results for the involved parties, including operators, is a crucial part of the implementation of the Hygiene Performance Rating scheme.•Systematic auditing tool for evaluating slaughter hygiene.•Investigate and improve slaughter techniques and routines.•Comprehensive approach to achieve satisfactory results for slaughter hygiene.
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