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  • Book
    Golder N. Wilson ; cytogenetic contribution by Vijay Tonk.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Exam Review Books (shelved at Information Desk)
    QP518.5 .P74 2013
  • Article
    Pohl W, Hinz G.
    Z Rheumatol. 1977 Nov-Dec;36(11-12):404-16.
    Statistical reports of the "Bundesversicherungsanstalt für Angestellte" and from an affiliated rheumatological rehabilitation clinic show that within the general term of "rheumatism" inflammatory rheumatic diseases are only a few per cents. Myalgic syndromes of the vertebral column without obvious changes of the skeleton rank first. They are followed by degenerative diseases of the vertebral column and peripheral joints. While the number of treatment courses of cardiovascular disorders for men and women (male predominance) remained relatively constant from 1968-1974 and in 50% of the cases lead to pensioning-off, treatment courses of bone and joint diseases have clearly increased with a female predominance; pensioning-off is necessary only in a few cases. There is no correlation between morbidity and number of treatment courses; the importance of economical and social factors for the therapeutic regimen is pointed out. Rehabilitation clinics of the pension-paying institutions offer optimal possibilities of a long term treatment of rheumatic diseases, as single or repeat treatment. The activities of a league against rheumatism should concentrate on the clinically and sociomedically most severe joint diseases.
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