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  • Article
    Chen B, Chen P, Xu H, Jin F, Guo Z, Lan D, Wan S, Gao G, Chen F, Wu W.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2016 Dec 21;8(50):34924-34932.
    Controlling functionalities in oxide heterostructures remains challenging for the rather complex interfacial interactions. Here, by modifying the interface properties with chemical doping, we achieve a nontrivial control over the ferromagnetism in ultrathin La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 (LCMO) layer sandwiched between CaRu1-xTixO3 [CRTO(x)] epilayers. The Ti doping suppresses the interfacial electron transfer from CRTO(x) to LCMO side; as a result, a steadily decreased Curie temperature with increasing x, from 262 K at x = 0 to 186 K at x = 0.8, is observed for the structures with LCMO fixed at 3.2 nm. Moreover, for more insulating CRTO(x ≥ 0.5), the electron confinement induces an interfacial Mn-eg(x2-y2) orbital order in LCMO which further attenuates the ferromagnetism. Also, in order to characterize the heterointerfaces, for the first time the doping- and thickness-dependent metal-insulator transitions in CRTO(x) films are examined. Our results demonstrate that the LCMO/CRTO(x) heterostructure could be a model system for investigating the interfacial multiple interactions in correlated oxides.
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