ArticleSandhofer M, Fritz J, Altmann H.
Aktuelle Gerontol. 1977 Dec;7(12):645-51.
Scleroderma with its different manifestations is mainly a disease of connective tissue and of vascular system. Next the alteration to collagen, which is demonstrable in lesions by decrease of embryonale collagen type III, there are also humoral and cellular phenomens of autoimmunity. In more than 70% of our patients we found antinuclear antibodies, and in most of them, we found with the leukocytemigration--inhibition-test cellular immunphenomenons to RNA, collagen and muscle. There is a small connection between ageing and immunological defense and repair, accordingly of immunocytes and fibroblasts. Further more precise characterization of this cell-compartments under the aspect of a premature ageing could bring a new understanding in the largely unknown etiopathogenese of scleroderma.