ArticleHaberberger D, Tochitsky S, Joshi C.
Opt Express. 2010 Aug 16;18(17):17865-75.
The generation of a record peak-power of 15 TW (45 J, 3 ps) in a single CO(2) laser beam is reported. Using a master oscillator-power amplifier laser system, it is shown that up to 100 J of energy can be extracted in a train of 3 ps laser pulses separated by 18 ps, a characteristic time of the CO(2) molecule. The bandwidth required for amplifying the short injected laser pulse train in a 2.5 atm final CO(2) amplifier is provided by field broadening of the medium at intensities of up to 140 GW/cm(2). The measured saturation energy for 3 ps pulses is 120 mJ/cm(2) which confirms that energy is simultaneously extracted from six rovibrational lines.