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  • Article
    Scheel JD, Cross MC.
    Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2005 Nov;72(5 Pt 2):056315.
    Numerical simulations of large aspect ratio, three-dimensional rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection for no-slip boundary conditions have been performed in both cylinders and periodic boxes. We have focused near the threshold for the supercritical bifurcation from the conducting state to a convecting state exhibiting domain chaos. A detailed analysis of these simulations has been carried out and is compared with experimental results, as well as predictions from multiple scale perturbation theory. We find that the time scaling law agrees with the theoretical prediction, which is in contradiction to experimental results. We also have looked at the scaling of defect lengths and defect glide velocities. We find a separation of scales in defect diameters perpendicular and parallel to the rolls as expected, but the scaling laws for the two different lengths are in contradiction to theory. The defect velocity scaling law agrees with our theoretical prediction from multiple scale perturbation theory.
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