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- BookGaston Vettorazzi.Contents:
v. 1. Evaluations.--
v. 2. Profiles. - ArticleBurchkardt G, Zimmer G, Luck G.Nucleic Acids Res. 1976 Mar;3(3):561-80.The CD study of the DNA-poly-L-histidine complex at high degree of protonation revealed that complex formation is already observable at 2 M NaCl. The influence of salt together with 5 M urea suggests that in addition to electrostatic interactions probably hydrogen bonding may favour specific complexes. Affinity of protonated histidines to AT-rich regions is strongly supported by the complexes formed with (dA.dT)-containing polymers. The psi-type structure occurs with poly(dA-dT)-poly(dA-dT) while poly(dA)-poly(dT) is restricted to form a similar psi-state on interaction with highly protonated poly-L-histidine. Differences in the helix winding properties due to variation in the sequence is suggested as a possible factor in the formation of the psi-type complexes. The mechanism of interaction including hydrogen bonding of histidine side-chains with an AT pair at high degree of protonation and with GC-regions at lower degree of protonation in the polypeptide structure is discussed.