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    editors, Long Yuan, Annik Bergeron, Jean-Nicolas Mess, Dafang Zhong, Qin C. Ji.
    Advanced LC-MS applications in bioanalysis / Long Yuan, Annik Bergeron, Jean-Nicholas Mess, Dafang Zhong & Qin C. Ji
    Method development strategies in bioanalysis / Shefali R. Patel & Naidong Weng
    High-throughput methods for LC-MS bioanalysis / Xianmei Cai & Wilson Shou
    Phospholipids-based matrix effect elimination techniques / Vincenzo Pucci
    Advanced sample preparation techniques prior to LC-MS / Yong Q. Tang
    Complex sample types / Bernd A. Bruenner, Mary C. Wells & Christopher A. James
    Advanced separation methods / Roger N. Hayes
    Multidimensional separation methods / Graeme T. Clark
    Computational approaches in developing accelerated chiral liquid chromatography techniques for mass spectral assays Min Meng, Laixin Wang & Scott Reuschel
    Novel MS detection methods / Pan Deng & Dafang Zhong
    Novel calibration approaches for LC-MS bioanalysis / Aimin Tan, Kayode Awaiye & Fethi Trabelsi
    Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry quantitative bioanalysis of proteins / Long Yuan, Annik Bergeron, Jean-Nicholas Mess, Fabio Garofolo, Anne-Françoise Aubry & Qin C. Ji
    Dried blood spots and their role in bioanalysis / John S. Williams & Christopher L. Brummel
    Analytical approaches to support microdose studies in drug discovery and development / Jim X. Shen, Yue Zhao & Xiaohui (Sophia) Xu.
    Digital Access TandFonline [2015]