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  • Book
    editor, William Vaughn McCall.
    Insomnia moves front and center among sleep disorders / William Vaughn McCall
    Insomnia in the setting of mental illness / Carmen G. Black & William Vaughn McCall
    Insomnia comorbid with medical disorders / Stephen Lund
    Insomnia in the setting of cancer / Julieta Scalo & Karen Rascati
    Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia / Melanie K. Leggett
    Pharmacotherapy for insomnia / Julieta Scalo & Karen Rascati
    Role of zolpidem in the management of primary and comorbid insomnia
    Jaime M. Monti & Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal
    Digital Access TandFonline [2014]
  • Article
    Bottermann P, Zilker T, Ermler R, Paterek K, von Stransky B.
    Klin Wochenschr. 1978 Oct 15;56(20):1029-32.
    Intravenous glucose tolerance tests were performed in 10 patients with acute virus hepatitis. The assimilation coefficient of glucose and the level of insulin and C-peptide in serum were determined before and in the course of the glucose tolerance tests. In comparison to healthy normal weight persons C-peptide concentration in patients with acute hepatitis increased twice as high whereas the pattern of insulin secretion did not differ significantly. The higher levels of C-peptide indicate an increase of the beta-cell secretion in acute hepatitis. One could suppose an increased hepatic destruction of insulin in acute hepatitis, because there is no significant difference among the insulin levels. More likely, there is a reactive increase of secretion of the beta-cell due to a reduction of insulin sensitivity and this is indicated much better by C-peptide- than insulin levels because of the longer half live of the the C-peptide molecule.
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doi:10.2217/9781780844800 doi:10.1007/bf01476668