BookMarilyn R. McFarland, Hiba B. Wehbe-Alamah.
Transcultural nursing : importance, focus, and history / Marilyn R. McFarland
Essential transcultural nursing care concepts, principles, guidelines, and policy statements for culturally congruent and competent health care practice, education, and research / Hiba B. Wehbe-Alamah
Leininger's culture care theory / Marilyn R. McFarland
The ethnonursing research method : major features and enablers / Hiba B. Wehbe-Alamah
The theory of culture care diversity and universality : a trailblazing theory / Priscilla L. Sagar
Globalization of transcultural nursing theory / Margaret M. Andrews
Cultural assessments and transcultural communication for culturally congruent care / Hiba B. Wehbe-Alamah
Integrating generic care and professional healthcare practices / Hiba B. Wehbe- Alamah
The biocultural basis of transcultural nursing (includes genetics and genomics) / Margie Murray Wright
Transcultural food functions, beliefs, and practices / Hiba B Wehbe-Alamah
Using a culturally congruent approach in mental health care / Helene B. Vossos, Hiba B. Wehbe-Alamah
Culture care theory : integrating care and caring into nursing practice / Marilyn K. Eipperle
Providing culturally congruent care to Haitians using Leininger's culture care theory / Robert Kelch, Hiba B. Wehbe-Alamah
Ayurveda : relevance in culture care / Joanna Maxwell, R. Amadea Morningstar
Transcultural nursing and health care in Taiwan / Lenny Chiang-Hanisko
The sunrise enabler's application in conflict resolution for nurse administrators and managers / Ann O. Hubbert
Enhancing the role of the transcultural nurse in the global environment / Mary Brigid Martin, Marilyn A. Ray
Use of culture care theory in translational science : a review of projects focused on the implementation of evidence-based culture care research findings into practice settings / Marilyn R. McFarland
Engaging in the sacred song of diversity : the art of cultural immersion / Edith Morris
Culturally competent research using the culture care theory : malaria care in Maasailand / Cecily W. Strang, Sandra J. Mixer
The lived experiences of African American women receiving care from nurse practitioners in an urban nurse-managed clinic in the midwestern United States / H.B. Wehbe-Alamah, M.R. McFarland, J. Macklin, N. Riggs
Yupiit : Alaska native people of Southwest Alaska / Pamela J. Embler, Mary Weiss, Sandra J. Mixer
Understanding the culture care needs of Appalachian mothers experiencing homelessness / Rebecca C. Lee
Cultural expressions, meanings, beliefs, and practices of Mexican American women during the post-partum period : an ethnonursing study / Valera Alexandra Hascup
Culture care of Syrian Muslims in the midwestern United States : an ethnonursing research study / H.B. Wehbe-Alamah.