BookStefan Abela.
Summary: This book is a comprehensive guide to leadership in healthcare and the management of complex clinical scenarios in the medical or dental practice. Training in leadership and hospital management is not part of the curriculum and so guidance is often not provided in depth. This book outlines strategies for dealing with the management problems that arise in the healthcare profession, and it prepares the reader for interviews, examinations and the supervision of a team. It opens with an overview of the NHS, its evidence-based practice and healthcare regulations. Subsequent chapters discuss data protection, management of new business cases, formal complaints and inappropriate use of social media. Information is provided on the recruitment of new junior trainees, the management of underperforming allied health professionals, and the handling of injuries sustained at work. This book is ideal for final-year medical and dental undergraduate students, foundation year doctors, core trainees, junior and senior specialists and newly-appointed consultants.
Part 1: The management, structure and function of the Na-tional Health Service
1. The structure of the NHS in England
2. Quality, efficiency and value in the NHS
3. Evidence-based practice in the NHS
4. Healthcare Regulation in the United Kingdom
5. Staffing in the NHS
6. Ethical practice and Medico-legal themes in the NHS
7. Clinical effectiveness and clinical audit
8. Trainee performance and assessment in the NHS
9. Clinical risk management in the NHS
10. Data protection and freedom of information
. Part B: Management scenarios
11. Management of an underperforming allied health professional
12. Management of an injury sustained at work
13. Management of clinical incidents at work
14. Justifying existing levels of care
15. Management of a suspected victim of physical abuse
16. Management of a breach of data confidentiality
17. Management of a formal complaint
18. Management of a contaminated needlestick injury
19. Management of staff with repeated episodes of absenteeism
20. Management of a new business case
21. Management of a conflict between personal and work confidential information
22. Management of a non-compliant trainee
23. Management of recruiting new junior trainees
24. Management of suspected fraud in your department
25. Management of violence and aggression at work
26. Management of Health Tourism in your department
27. Management of colleagues affected by stress at work
28. Management of inappropriate use of social media
29. Appendix 1
30. List of commonly asked Acts and Legislations
31. Appendix 2
32. Appendix 3.