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- BookGerald Litwack.Contents:
Organ systems and tissues
The cell
Introductory discussion on water, pH, buffers, and general features of receptors, channels, and pumps
Insulin and sugars
Glycogen and glycogenolysis
Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
Nucleic acids and molecular genetics
Protein biosynthesis
Metabolism of amino acids
Metabolism of fat, carbohydrate, and nucleic acids
Polypeptide hormones
Steroid hormones
Growth factors and cytokines
Membrane transport
Micronutrients (metals and iodine)
Vitamins and nutrition
Blood and lymphatic system
Appendix 1: Abbreviations of the common amino acids
Appendix 2: The genetic code
Appendix 3: Weights and measures
Appendix 4: Answer key for chapter questions.Digital Access ClinicalKey 2022 - ArticleTrevor AJ, Gordon MA, Parker KK, Chan SL.Life Sci. 1978 Sep 25;23(12):1209-20.