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  • Book
    Debra J. Hain, Deb Bakerjian.
    Summary: This primary text encompasses the full scope of AGNP primary care practice across multiple healthcare settings including telehealth. The text emphasizes the best available evidence to promote person-centered care, quality improvement of care, interprofessional collaboration, and reducing healthcare costs. The text delivers timely information about current healthcare initiatives in the U.S., including care coordination across the healthcare continuum, interprofessional collaboration, and accountable care organizations. Disease-focused chapters contain general and specific population-based assessment and interprofessional care strategies to both common and complex health issues. They offer consistent content on emergencies, relevant social determinants of health, and ethical dilemmas. The text also prepares students for the administrative aspects of practice with information on the physical exam, medications, billing, coding, and documentation. Concise, accessible information is supported by numerous illustrations, learning objectives, quality and safety alerts, clinical pearls, and case studies demonstrating best practice. A robust ancillary package includes an Instructor's Manual with case studies and teaching guides, a Test Bank reflective of clinical situations and patient conditions, PowerPoints covering key concepts, and an Image Bank of skin conditions and other figures. -- Provided by publisher.
    Digital Access R2Library 2023
    Limited to 1 simultaneous user
  • Article
    Sorg C, Klinkert W.
    Fed Proc. 1978 Nov;37(13):2748-53.
    Digital Access Access Options
  • Journal
    George Washington University.