Book[editors], Tao Le, Vikas Bhushan, Matthew Sochat, Humood Boqambar, Kristina Damisch, Connie Qiu, Jordan Abrams, Caroline Coleman, Kimberly Kallianos.
Summary: "First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 began over 30 years ago as a resource to prepare aspiring physicians for their first medical board exam. Since then, it has become one of the most well-known textbooks used by medical students worldwide. Features include : a complete framework for USMLE Step 1 preparation, annually updated with crowdsourced contributions from thousands of students ; updated exam preparation advice for USMLE Step 1 pass / fail and Step 1 blueprint changes ; new section on communication skills reflects the latest Step 1 content ; new focus on diversity, equity and inclusion incorporates race and ethnic considerations, as well as gender neutral terminology ; nearly 1,400 must-know topics to focus your study ; 1,200+ color photos and illustrations help you visualize processes, disorders, and clinical findings ; and a Rapid Review section for efficient last-minute preparation."--adapted from Foreword, page xi and back cover.
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Exam Review Books (shelved at Information Desk)
R834.5 .B48 2021