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  • Book
    Carlo Ratto, Angelo Parello, Francesco Litta, Veronica De Simone, Paola Campennì, editors.
    Summary: This volume comprehensively describes the anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnostics, and modalities of treatment of one of the most complex and debated clinical conditions in coloproctology: anal fistulas and abscesses. It also debates current controversies and presents the best approaches based on the authors clinical expertise. Providing an in-depth understanding of the anal canal anatomy and surrounding area, it enables readers to manage anal sepsis and avoid excessive damage, in particular to the anal sphincters. Further, the book presents insights into the pathophysiological processes (in cryptoglandular and Crohns disease) causing abscess and fistula, which have a significant impact on the management of these conditions. It also discusses diagnostic assessments crucial for selecting the optimal surgical technique and offers guidance on the timing. Lastly, it assesses the pros and contras of the various surgical procedures, evaluating the possible outcome in terms of both therapeutic success and detrimental effects on the anorectal functions. As such it is a valuable resource for all physicians involved in the management of anal fistulas and abscesses (coloproctologists, general surgeons, gastroenterologists, radiologists).

    Anorectal Anatomy Related to Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Anorectal Physiology Related to Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Classification of Anal Fistula and Abscess: Useful Features to Address the Treatment
    Epidemiology of Anal Fistula and Abscess
    From Abscess to Fistula: Is This the Rule?
    Pathophysiology of Anal Fistula and Abscess: Old Concepts and New Insights
    Severity Scores for Anal Fistulas
    Unconventional insights into etiology of fistulas in the peri-anal region
    Clinical Assessment of Crohns Anal Abscess and Fistula
    Clinical Assessment of Cryptoglandular Anal Abscess and Fistula
    Anorectal Physiology Assessment in Patients With Anal Fistula: When Necessary?
    Endoanal Ultrasound in The Diagnosis of Cryptoglandular Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Future perspectives in The Diagnosis of Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Magnetic Resonance and Traditional Radiology in The Diagnosis of Cryptoglandular Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Magnetic Resonance in The Diagnosis of Crohns Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Utility and Limitations of Endoanal Ultrasound in The Diagnosis of Crohns Anal Fistula and Abscess
    Additional Surgical Options to Treat Anal Fistulas: Gracilis Interposition, Martius Flap, Gluteal Flap
    Anal Fistula: Actual Perspectives of Scientific Research Toward the Future
    Correct Use of Setons: Is There Any Agreement?
    Dermal Flap
    Fistula Laser Closure
    Glue and Paste Injection
    How to Drain an Abscess
    Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract (LIFT)
    Quality of Life Following Anal Fistula Treatment
    Risk Factors for Recurrence and Incontinence After Anal Fistula Surgery
    Stem Cells in Cryptoglandular Anal Fistulas
    Treatment by Over-The-Scope Clip
    Utility of Adding Marsupialization to Fistulotomy
    Utility of Adding Sphincter Reconstruction to Fistulotomy/Fistulectomy
    Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment
    Evidences for optimal surgical management of anal fistulas and abscess
    Future directions in surgical approach of anal fistulas and abscess
    Integration of surgery with medical therapy in treating anal fistulas: when and how?
    New perspectives in the treatment of anal fistulas: stem cells
    Ostomy and Proctectomy to treat anal fistulas and abscess; when and why?
    Patients quality of life during and after treatment of anal fistulas and abscess
    Treatment of anal fistulas and abscess: when does surgery come first?
    Anastomotic dehiscence and fistulization
    Best Surgical Strategy to Treat Anal Fistula and Abscess: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of Literature
    Fournier Syndrome
    Real Practice in the Management of Anal Fistula and Abscess: Results of a Worldwide Survey as Related to the International Guidelines
    Recto-vaginal and recto-urethral fistulas.
    Digital Access Springer 2022