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  • Book
    Rosalie Hudson.
    Summary: Spending the final chapter of your life in a nursing home is considered, by many, a fate worse than death. Others, however, have found that through enlightened, imaginative care even the frailest of lives can flourish. The key to such a transformation is to replace the constricting custodial centres of the past with a more informed, research-based approach. This book is timely, responding to evidence of the urgent need for change described in the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Final Report: Care, Dignity and Respect and its predecessor subtitled Neglect. In this book, the author proposes a model of care that places the whole person at its centre, sidestepping the constraints of a reductionist funding model that focusses on residents' deficits and the proprietors financial gain. Aged care requires a comprehensive research-based guide to fulfil this aim. Narratives are included throughout the book to reinforce the fact that nursing home care is about individual residents and their unique lives. Topics explored in various chapters include: Ageing in a Changing Community Social, Gerontological Care A Palliative Approach Community Expectations Ageing in a Nursing Home: Foundations for Care takes a realistic approach that draws on contemporary research and narratives from the unique lives of older Australians who, despite their frailty, teach us how to care. Such knowledge informs and influences their future. The book is a resource intended for all who have a stake in the provision of best practice residential aged care, and all who benefit from such care. Its academic appeal will include those who design and teach courses in aged care: gerontology, general practice medicine, nursing, attendant care, allied health, and chaplaincy. Academics and teachers will find useful, well-referenced material for their courses, together with ample scope for researchers.

    Ageing in a changing community
    Communication: the key to care
    Social, gerontological care
    Dementia challenges
    A palliative approach
    Death and dying
    Community expectations.
    Digital Access Springer 2022
  • Article
    Lehmann PF, White LO.
    Sabouraudia. 1978 Sep;16(3):203-9.
    Intravenously injected conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus germinated rapidly in the kidneys of untreated and cortisone-treated specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice and in the livers of cortisone-treated SPF mice. Extracts of kidneys from untreated and cortisone-treated mice stimulated germination of A. fumigatus conidia in vitro. The possible roles of a germination stimulant and host defences in the kidney localisation of A. fumigatus infection are discussed.
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