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  • Book
    Elie M. Ferneini, Michael T. Goupil, Steven Halepas, editors.
    Summary: The multi-authored, multi-institutional, and multi-specialty-based text is designed as a valuable resource for surgeons working on the maxillofacial region. Meant to be a clinically based history of the past, the present, and the future of the field, this is a one-of-a-kind text that will cater to a variety of professions: from oral & maxillofacial surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, otolaryngologists head and neck surgeons, cosmetic surgeons and the general dental practitioner. The History of Maxillofacial Surgery: An Evidence-Based Journey is divided into three sections for ease of understanding: The first section gives an overview of the early history; the second section provides a discussion of conventional procedures; and the third section gives a history of advanced procedures and techniques. By understanding the fundamental procedures and techniques of the field, practitioners can continue to further the field by building upon the past. Including historic case studies paired with real patient photos, this text details why professionals do what they do today with insight directly from the clinic. To provide a unique perspective the book is edited by three individuals at different stages of their careers. Each chapter is authored by a young surgeon paired with a seasoned surgeon.

    Part I: Early History
    Saint Apollonia: Patron Saint of Dentistry
    1 Introduction
    2 Egypt 249 CE, the First Written Description of Saint Apollonia
    3 The Legend
    4 The Patroness of Dentistry and the Healer of Dental Pain
    5 Relics
    6 St. Apollonia Commemorations: Statues, Churches, Plazas, Paintings, Stained Glass Windows
    Anatomists: The Basis of Surgery
    1 Introduction
    2 From Galen to Vesalius
    3 The Sphenoid Bone
    4 Modern Anatomical Imaging 5 A Brief History of Cadaver Acquisition for Education
    6 Anatomy Through Art and Atlases
    7 Summary
    The Barber-Surgeons
    1 Introduction
    2 Origins
    3 Scope of Practice
    4 European Medical Education
    5 Notable Barber-Surgeons
    6 The London Barber-Surgeons' Guild
    7 Barber Pole
    8 End of an Era
    9 Summary
    The Three Pillars of Surgery
    1 Introduction
    2 Hemostasis - Ambroise Paré
    3 Anesthesia - Horace Wells
    4 Asepsis - Joseph Lister
    5 Summary
    1 Introduction
    2 Inhalation Anesthetic Agents 3 Intubation and Inhaled Anesthesia Technology
    4 Parenteral Anesthesia
    4.1 Opioids
    5 Sedative Hypnotics and Other Intravenous Anesthetics
    6 Neuromuscular Blockers
    7 Parenteral and Local Anesthesia Technology
    8 Local Anesthesia
    8.1 Local Anesthesia Drugs
    9 Summary
    The Legacy of Maxillofacial Surgery During the Great War
    1 Introduction
    2 Front-Line Care: Origins of the Harvard Unit
    3 Tertiary Care-Sir Harold Delf Gillies and the Surgeons of Sidcup
    4 Maxillofacial Surgical Advances by the Central Powers 5 Anna Ladd and Jane Poupelet and Their Facial Masks
    6 Summary
    Formation of Head and Neck Surgical Specialties
    1 Introduction
    2 Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
    2.1 Birth of the Specialty
    2.2 Organizations
    3 Ophthalmology
    3.1 Birth of the Specialty
    3.2 Organizations
    4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    4.1 Birth of the Specialty
    4.2 Organizations
    5 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    5.1 Birth of the Specialty
    5.2 Organizations
    6 Summary
    Part II: Conventional Procedures
    Head and Neck Infections
    1 Prehistory 2 Treatment of Infection in Antiquity
    Evolution of Tooth Removal
    1 Introduction
    2 Ancient History
    2.1 Prehistory Humans
    2.2 Eastern and Egyptian Era
    2.3 Greek and Roman Era
    2.4 Practitioners
    3 Early Instruments
    4 Nineteenth-Century Pioneers
    5 Twentieth-Century Notables
    6 Summary
    Dental Implants and Bone Augmentation
    1 Introduction
    2 Implants in the Early Twentieth Century
    3 Brånemark and the Foundations of Modern Implantology
    4 Bone Augmentation
    5 Guided Bone Regeneration
    6 Sinus Lifts
    7 The Twenty-First Century
    Digital Access Springer 2022