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  • Book
    Paule Valery Joseph, Valerie Buzas Duffy, editors.
    Summary: The textbook provides an overview of the sensory science field in the context of diseases such as obesity and Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This book brings a summary of the state of the science in key areas and provides examples of translational science from using cellular and rodent models to human clinical trials and community health. The volume structure leads the reader through the physiology of taste and smell into how sensory testing for taste and smell is studied, basic mechanisms, various protocols that are used throughout the field along with the pros/cons of the current methods used. This resource is intended for classroom teaching, for novice researchers in sensory research as well as students and postdoctoral fellows. Example of courses are nutrition, basic nursing, interdisciplinary health courses, sensory perception (psychology), neuroscience, and medical courses, dentistry, food science and others.

    1.Taste and Smell Systems Development during infancy, childhood
    2.Anatomy, Physiology and Neurobiology of Olfaction and Gustation
    3.Measurement of Olfaction : Screening and assessment
    4.Measurements of Gustation: Screening and assessment
    5.Measurements of Chemesthesis
    6.Integration of taste, smell and chemestesis: Clinical Implications
    7.Overview of olfaction and gustation under metabolic influences
    8.Studies on the sense of smell and taste in individuals with obesity
    9.Studies on the sense of smell and taste in individuals with diabetes
    10.Studies on the sense of smell and taste in individuals with hypertension
    11.Studies on the sense of smell and taste in psychiatric disorders
    12.Taste and Smell alterations and Neurodegenarative Disorders
    13.Taste and smell in weight loss surgery 3
    14.Taste and Smell alterations and Cancer Therapies
    15.Oral health and chemosensory problems
    16.Chemosensation and pharmacological treatments
    17.Oral and Extraoral Olfactory and Taste Receptors
    18.Sensory Nutrition. Implications to Health and Personalized Medicine
    19.Oral health and Microbiome: Implications for Taste.
    Digital Access Springer 2021
  • Article
    Carmichael LP.
    J Fam Pract. 1978 Oct;7(4):893-4.
    Digital Access Access Options