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  • Book
    Stephen Z. Fadem, editor.
    Summary: Patients with kidney disease often find it difficult to understand and undertake the lifestyle changes that will help them stay as healthy as possible. This book offers patients information and guidance on how to stay healthy with kidney disease in a clear, comprehensive, and encouraging way. The first section explains the basics of the disease and how it interacts with other common health issues, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and aging. The second section breaks down the changes a patient can make to their exercise, treatment, and diet to maximize their kidney function, including helpful tips and healthy recipes. Written by top nephrologists with experience writing for non-specialists, this easy-to-read guide will help kidney disease patients and caregivers manage the illness and keep patients healthy.

    1. Introduction to Kidney Disease
    2. Aging – Challenges and Interventions
    3. The Kidney and Cardiovascular Disease
    4. Diabetes and Kidney Disease
    5. Hypertension and Kidney Disease
    6. Inflammation in Kidney Disease – Glomerulonephritis
    7. Diet to Preserve Kidney Function
    8. Healthy Diet for Kidney Function
    9. Muscle Breakdown in Kidney Disease - Mechanisms and Management Strategies
    10. Exercises for People with Chronic Kidney Disease and Seniors
    11. Falls in CKD Patients and Seniors - Causes and Prevention
    12. Medication to Avoid with Chronic Kidney Disease
    13. Available Treatments if My Kidneys Do Fail
    14. Appendix - The Cell and the Kidney.
    Digital Access Springer 2022