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- BookZhonglin Mu, Jugao Fang, editors.Summary: This book aims to provide clinical advices on diagnosis and treatment of main and rare diseases of ear, nose, throat, head and neck to clinical practitioners. The highlight of this book is that important surgeries, for example, transoral robotic surgery for tongue base tumours, cochlear implant, are displayed in high-resolution videos. The first chapter gives a general introduction of otolaryngology, head and neck foundation which helps clinical practitioners generate the basic ideas of equipment, drugs and treatment used. The following chapters introduce anatomy, physiology, diagnosis and therapeutic approach for common diseases of otolaryngology, head and neck, with brief case studies. For each disease, a brief introduction, clinical symptoms, imaging diagnosis, treatment plan as well as complications management are offered to the readers. With the illustrative figures and videos, this book is a useful reference to otolaryngologists, head and neck surgeons, professional clinical staff, and medical students.
General Otolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck Surgery
Head and Neck Surgery
Complications in Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck Surgery. - ArticleKorabel'shchikova NI, Korabel'shchikova MA.Vrach Delo. 1978 Jun(6):43-6.