BookHitesh Verma, Alok Thakar, editors.
Summary: This book serves as a practical guide for the otorhinolaryngologists to better understand the diseases of the sinonasal region, diagnosis, and management. The detailed knowledge of the complex anatomy of the sinonasal region is the key to surgical success. The text aims to help budding and practicing rhinologists to get an essence abreast of the current scientific advancement by engaging rhinologists with excellent awareness and knowledge as contributors. The book expands its span afar the usual by including topics on complications of endoscopic surgeries, empty sinus syndrome, packing material, open transcranial approach, biofilm, instruments, cavity management, and improved quality of life, etc. The purpose of microbiology, interventional radiology, pathology and nuclear medicine in the diagnosis and management of sinonasal diseases is contributed by authors from allied specialties. This book will be a useful resource for medical students, postgraduates in ENT, practicing rhinologists and general physicians in treating sinonasal diseases. .
Endoscopic anatomy and surgery
Rhinoplasty anatomy and procedures
Nasal physiology and sinusitis
Granulomatous disease and faciomaxillary trauma
Diagnostic method and instrumentation in rhinology
Tumours of nose and paranasal sinuses
Extended procedures
Prevention and management of complications
Septum, adenoid and epistaxis
Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and quality of life.