BookPraveen Guleria, Vineet Kumar, Eric Lichtfouse, editors.
Summary: In the context of climate change, pollution and food safety, the current challenge is to enhance legumes production to sustain the growing population needs by 2050. This is a daunting task because abiotic and biotic stresses are threatening the growth, survival and productivity of legumes. For instance, the productivity of legumes is documented to be reduced by 14-88% by abiotic stresses. The co-occurrence of abiotic and biotic stresses under field conditions leads to interactive stress types, thus yielding positive or negative outcomes. Legumes react using antioxidant defense, osmoregulatory adjustments, hormonal regulations and molecular mechanisms to tolerate stress. Hence, improving legume productivity requires knowledge on the sensitivity, mechanisms and approaches of stress tolerance in legumes, in order to design new crops and alternative management systems. This book presents advances on bioactive compounds, applications, effect of various stresses and biotechnology-based stress tolerance mechanisms of legumes. This is our second volume on Legume Agriculture and Biotechnology, published in the series Sustainable Agriculture Reviews.
Chapter 1 Nutraceutical Legumes: Nutritional and Medicinal Values of Legumes
Chapter 2 Horse gram an underutilized legume: A Potential Source of Nutraceuticals
Chapter 3 Grain legumes and their By-products: As a nutrient rich feed supplement for sustainable intensification of commercial poultry industry
Chapter 4 Potential impact of annual forage legumes on sustainable cropping systems in Turkey
Chapter 5 Alternative RNA splicing and editing: A functional molecular tool directed to successful protein synthesis in plants
Chapter 6 Abiotic Stress Tolerance Including Salt, Drought and Other Stresses
Chapter 7 Biotic stress to legumes: Fungal diseases as major biotic stress factor
Chapter 8 Molecular mechanism underlying Chickpea - Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri Interaction
Chapter 9 Biotechnological Approaches for Enhancing Stress Tolerance in Legumes
Chapter 10 Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of biotic stress tolerance unravels the mystery of plant-pathogen interaction.