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  • Book
    Saulius Drukteinis, Josette Camilleri, editors.
    Summary: This book focuses on hydraulic calcium silicate-based materials available in clinical dentistry, used as pulp capping materials, root canal sealers, root-end fillers, or root repair materials and which offer improved properties and easier clinical application compared with the original mineral trioxide aggregate. The book introduces the current classification of bioceramic materials and explains their characterization and their physicochemical and biological properties. Thereafter, the various clinical applications of these materials are discussed in depth with reference to the evidence base. The coverage includes applications in endodontic treatments and complications, traumatic dental injuries, management of the vital pulp in both dentitions, and regenerative endodontic procedures. Apart from presenting the latest research on hydraulic calcium silicate-based materials, Bioceramic Materials in Clinical Endodontics promotes an essential balance between basic laboratory and clinical research. It will thus be an important reference for materials science specialists, clinical researchers, and clinicians.

    Current Classification of Bioceramic Materials in Endodontics
    1 Introduction
    2 Classification of Hydraulic Cements
    3 Bioceramics and Hydraulic Calcium Silicate Cements
    4 Clinical Presentation
    5 Conclusions
    Characterization and Properties of Bioceramic Materials for Endodontics
    1 Introduction
    2 Coronal Use
    2.1 Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties
    2.2 Biological Characteristics
    2.3 Clinical Performance and Material Interactions
    3 Intra-radicular Use 3.1 Chemial, Physical and Mechanical Properties
    3.2 Biological Characteristics
    3.3 Clinical Performance and Material Interactions
    4 Extra-radicular Use
    4.1 Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties
    4.2 Biological Characteristics
    4.3 Clinical Performance and Material Interactions
    4.4 Conclusions
    Bioceramic Materials for Vital Pulp Therapy
    1 Introduction
    2 Pulp Inflammation and Healing
    3 Pulp Capping and Biomaterials
    4 Step-by-Step Procedures
    4.1 Pulp Capping
    4.2 Pulp Chamber Pulpotomy 5 Application of Pulp Capping and 'Bioproducts' to Stimulate Regeneration
    6 Short- and Long-Term Future Developments
    7 Conclusions
    Bioceramic Materials in Regenerative Endodontics
    1 Pulp Regeneration
    2 Regeneration or Repair
    3 Clinical Treatment
    4 Limitations
    5 The Use of Hydraulic Calcium Silicate Cements for Revitalization
    6 Reaction of Hydraulic Tricalcium Silicates with Tissue Fluids
    7 Mechanical Properties of Hydraulic Calcium Silicates in Revitalization
    8 Discoloration
    9 Conclusion
    References Bioceramic Materials for Root Canal Obturation
    1 Introduction
    2 Flowable Hydraulic Calcium Silicate-Based Obturation Materials
    2.1 iRoot®SP, EndoSequence® BC Sealer™, and TotalFill® BC Sealer™
    2.2 EndoSequence BC Sealer HiFlow and TotalFill® BC Sealer HiFlow™
    2.3 Bio-C Sealer
    2.4 Well-Root ST
    2.5 CeraSeal
    2.6 BioRoot™ RCS
    3 Bioceramic-Coated (BC) Gutta-Percha Points for Root Canal Obturation
    4 Sealer Delivery Methods
    5 Root Canal Obturation Techniques
    5.1 Cold Lateral Compaction
    5.2 Warm Vertical Condensation and Its Modifications 5.3 Single-Cone Obturation
    6 Conclusions
    Bioceramic Materials for Management of Endodontic Complications
    1 Introduction
    2 Materials Used for Management of Endodontic Complications
    2.1 iRoot®BP, EndoSequence® BC RRM™, and TotalFill® BC RRM™ Paste
    2.2 iRoot®BP Plus, EndoSequence® BC RRM™, and TotalFill® BC RRM™ Putty
    2.3 iRoot®FS, EndoSequence® BC RRM™, and TotalFill® BC RRM™ Fast Set Putty
    2.4 Well-Root™ PT
    2.5 Biodentine®
    3 Temporary Bioceramic-Based Root Canal Dressing Materials
    4 Apexification Procedures
    5 Perforation Repair
    Digital Access Springer 2021