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  • Book
    [edited by] David E. Elder, Rosalie Elenitsas, Adam I. Rubin, Michael Ioffreda, Jeffrey Miller, O. Fred Miller III, Sook Jung Yun.
    Summary: "In this new edition, as in its predecessors, we have extensively updated the text, based on review of the recent literature, and also on material from the latest (11th) edition of Lever's Histopathology of the Skin. We have added more extensive discussion of several diseases that were either not covered or only briefly mentioned with little or no elaboration in the earlier editions, and have added current references to the literature. We have added multiple new images including clinical images of conditions that were not formerly illustrated. These are original digital images of high quality. As in the last edition, the histopathologic images have been prepared from digital slides and the quality is state of the art, especially noticeable in the low-power images. These images are to be provided online for the reader's convenience. We have continued the use of arrows and labels on the photomicrographs, adapted from the style used in Sara Edward's excellent book Essential Dermatopathology. In addition, we have continued the practice of using tables to summarize the most salient diagnostic features of potential "look-alike" diseases"-- Provided by publisher.

    Disorders Mostly Limited to the Epidermis and Stratum Corneum
    Localized Superficial Epidermal or Melanocytic Proliferations
    Disorders of the Superficial Cutaneous Reactive Unit
    Acantholytic, Vesicular, and Pustular Disorders
    Perivascular, Diffuse, and Granulomatous Infiltrates of the Reticular Dermis
    Tumors and Cysts of the Dermis & Subcutis
    Inflammatory and Other Benign Disorders of Skin Appendages
    Disorders of the Subcutis
    Digital Access Ovid 2021