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- Bookedited by Laura Finn, Alva R. Roche Green.Summary: This book provides up-to-date, clinically relevant information on a range of complex issues relating to supportive care strategies for the recipients of hematopoietic cell transplantation. The topics addressed include the prevention, recognition, and treatment of transplant-related side effects; management of pretransplant comorbidities; supportive care for specific age groups; quality of life issues in patients who experience graft-versus-host disease; mental and spiritual health care; caregiver and healthcare provider support strategies; and important issues related to end of life care. The aim is to supply hematologists, oncologists, transplant specialists, and palliative care physicians with practical knowledge that can be immediately applied in patient care to optimize transplant-related outcomes. The book's format, which offers concise, non-exhaustive coverage of these and other unique topics, is supplemented by a wealth of working tables, algorithms, and figures, ensuring that it will also serve hematology, oncology and transplant trainees as a reliable companion during their daily work. The authors are world-renowned experts in the field of hematopoietic transplantation and palliative care medicine, and present well-reasoned opinions based on their own experiences and draw attention to relevant results from potentially high-impact clinical trials.
- ArticleBrenes Madrigal RR, Sousa OE, Bonilla MA, Achit SM.Rev Cubana Med Trop. 1977 Jan-Apr;29(1):5-8.About seven cases of unilocular hydatidosis for Echinococcus granulosus in porcine and bovine cattles have been found in Costa Rica. According to one out of the authors--Brenes, R. R.--the experimental infection of a dog (1950) after the oral administration of a fertile cyst for obtaining or developing the adult form failed to produce good results. Up to date, no report of the finding of E. granulosus in dogs or in people has been obtained. No additional case of bovine hydatidosis has been reported in Costa Rica in the last twenty years. A patient with hepatic hydatidosis who underwent surgery is presented.