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  • Book
    Mary Ann Asson-Batres, Cécile Rochette-Egly, editors.
    Summary: This book covers subjects that have major impacts on society, such as the mechanism of maternal-fetal transfer of vitamin A, and the effects of alcohol on retinoic acid signaling and mammalian embryonic development. There has been an awareness of the importance of consuming vitamins throughout human history, but empirical studies of their physiological role and mode of action only began about 150 years ago. Since then, the biochemical nature of vitamin A and its active derivative, retinoic acid, have been identified and researchers around the globe have investigated retinoic acid's physiological function in growth processes and in maintaining life Written by leading experts, this book discusses the latest findings and advances in retinoic acid research. It addresses topics such as the role of retinoic acid signaling in a multitude of processes, including limb, heart and respiratory system development, as well as its role in maintaining postnatal organ systems. This book is a valuable resource for scientists involved in vitamin A/retinoic acid research and readers interested in developmental biology.

    1 How Dietary Deficiency Studies Have Illuminated the Many Roles of Vitamin A During Development and Postnatal Life
    In Pursuit of an Unknown Factor
    First Impressions of Effects on Postnatal Animals
    Effects of Vitamin A on the Postnatal Nervous System
    Effects of Vitamin A on Reproduction and Embryonic Development
    Development of the Field
    Search for a Mechanism of Action
    Current State of the Field
    Post 1987
    Vitamin A Deficiency in Postnatal Animals
    Custom Diets Maternal VA Status and Fetal Retinoid Concentrations
    Placental VA Levels Versus Fetal Retinoid Concentrations
    Development of the Field
    Maternal-Fetal Transfer of VA: Is There a Role for the RBP-Retinol Complex?
    Maternal-Fetal Transfer of VA: The Role for Other Placental Proteins
    Maternal-Fetal Transfer of Other Retinoids
    Maternal-Fetal Transfer of VA-Unanswered Questions
    Current State of the Field
    The Retinol-RBP Pathway Is the Primary Contributor to Embryonic Development
    Mechanisms of Maternal-Fetal Transfer of VA-Containing Lipoprotein Other NGS-Based Technologies to Detect Regions Containing RAR Binding Sites
    Integrative Approaches
    Future Directions
    4 RA Signaling in Limb Development and Regeneration in Different Species
    Development of the Field
    Zebrafish Fin Development
    Amphibian Limb Development
    Amphibian Limb Regeneration
    Chick Limb Development
    Mouse Limb Development
    Current State of the Field
    Complexities of Limb Formation
    The Future
    5 Retinoic Acid Signaling and Heart Development
    Introduction Vitamin A Deficiency Effects on the Rodent Olfactory System
    The Hippocampus-Synaptic Plasticity
    The Cardiovascular System
    Effects of Vitamin A Deficiency on Other Postnatal Systems
    Future Directions
    How Much Vitamin A Do Animals Need for Optimal Health and Longevity?
    Have All Actions of Vitamin A Been Described?
    2 Maternal-Fetal Transfer of Vitamin A and Its Impact on Mammalian Embryonic Development
    Early Discoveries: VA and Infertility
    Maternal Dietary VA Intake and Fetal Retinoid Concentrations
    Digital Access Springer 2020