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  • Book
    Sylvie Pucheu, Kelly E. Radziwon, Richard Salvi, editors.
    Summary: This volume focuses on new molecular therapies that aim to prevent specific pathologies of the ear, like age-related hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss and ototoxicity. The book discusses the regenerative capacity of hair cells in the inner ear, exploring the idea that hair cells capacity to regenerate appears "repressed" in adult mammals, but that it will be possible to re-activate regeneration with an appropriate therapeutic approach. The book provides an overview of inflammatory and immune cells in the cochlear lateral wall, the pathways involved in cochlear damage, and their potential as therapeutic targets. It also describes the significant advances in animal models which play an important role in revealing the underlying mechanisms and treatment for tinnitus and hyperacusis. Finally, the book describes two new automatic and robust measures to evaluate hearing loss and tinnitus in preclinical models.

    Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Age-Related Hearing Loss: Calorie Restriction
    1 Introduction
    2 Effects of Age on Auditory Function
    3 Effects of Calorie Restriction on Aging
    3.1 Types of Calorie Restriction Regimens
    3.2 Effects of Calorie Restriction on Hearing Loss in Laboratory Animals
    4 Mechanisms Underlying the Beneficial Effects of CR on AHL
    4.1 Oxidative Stress
    4.2 Apoptosis
    4.3 mtDNA Mutations
    5 Conclusion
    Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Drug Therapy: Basic and Translational Science
    1 Introduction 1 Introduction
    1.1 Global Estimates and Impact of Hearing Impairment
    1.2 Categories of Hearing Loss
    1.3 Native HCs Regeneration Capacity in Mammals and Non-mammals
    2 Approaches to Regenerate HCs and SGNs
    2.1 Gene Therapy
    Cochlear Gene Therapy Vehicles
    2.2 Key Signaling Pathway Genes for HC Regeneration
    2.3 Atoh1-Based Gene Therapy
    2.4 Inactivation of Cell Cycle Inhibitors Based Gene Therapy
    2.5 Gene Therapy for SGN Regeneration
    3 Stem Cell Therapy
    4 Conclusion
    References 2 Cochlear Pathology
    2.1 Oxidative Stress
    2.2 Cochlear Blood Flow Changes
    2.3 Apoptotic Cell Death
    2.4 Mechanical Damage and Stereocilia Injury
    3 Noise-Induced Deafferentation
    3.1 Consequences of Synaptopathy
    4 Auditory Threshold Shift as a Measure of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
    4.1 Extended High-Frequency Audiometry
    5 Effects of Noise on Suprathreshold Measures of Hearing
    5.1 Speech-in-Noise Testing
    6 Pharmaceutical Otoprotection from Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
    6.1 Antioxidants
    6.2 Steroid Therapy
    6.3 S-Ketamine and Glutamate Excitotoxicity 6.4 Cell Death and Stress Inhibitors
    7 Summary
    Review of Ototoxic Drugs and Treatment Strategies for Reducing Hearing Loss
    1 Significance and Background
    2 Cisplatin Ototoxicity
    2.1 Entry of Cisplatin into the Cochlea
    2.2 Mechanisms Underlying Cisplatin Ototoxicity
    Increased Oxidative Stress
    Promoting Cellular Apoptosis
    Covalent Modification of DNA
    2.3 Pharmacogenomics of Cisplatin Ototoxicity
    2.4 Approaches to Treating Cisplatin Ototoxicity
    Relieving Oxidative Stress
    Targeting Cochlear Inflammation Drugs Targeting G Protein-Coupled Receptors for Treating Cisplatin Ototoxicity
    2.5 Ongoing Clinical Trials for Cisplatin Ototoxicity
    3 Cyclodextrin-Induced Hearing Loss
    4 Aminoglycosides
    4.1 Overview
    4.2 Studies Showing Hearing Loss
    4.3 Uptake of Aminoglycosides into the Cochlea
    4.4 Aminoglycoside Genetic Susceptibility
    4.5 Preventative Strategies for Ototoxicity
    Inhibition of Apoptosis
    Mechanoelectrical Transducer Channel Blockers
    5 Summary
    Approaches to Regenerate Hair Cell and Spiral Ganglion Neuron in the Inner Ear
    Digital Access Springer 2020