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    Bernardo Urbani, Manuel Lizarralde, editors.
    Summary: Ethnoprimatology is situated at the intersection between the biological and cultural subfields of anthropology. Research on the interface between human and nonhuman primates has been steadily increasing since 1997, when the term ethnoprimatology was first coined. Although there have been studies on human-nonhuman primate interactions in the tropical Americas, no single comprehensive volume has been published that integrates this information to fully understand it in this region. Eighteen novel chapters written by outstanding scholars with various backgrounds are included in this edited volume. They refer to the complex interconnections between different indigenous peoples with New World monkeys that sympatrically share their ancestral territories. Geographically, the range covers all of the Neotropics, from southern Mexico through northern Argentina. This work includes topics such as primates as prey and food, ethnozoology/ethnoecology, cosmology, narratives about monkeys, uses of primates, monkeys as pets, and ethnoclassification. Multiple views as well as diverse theoretical and methodological approaches are found within the pages. In sum, this is a compendium of ethnoprimatological research that will be prized by anthropologists, ethnobiologists, primatologists, conservationists, and zoologists alike. "This book ... provides a historical benchmark for all subsequent research in ethnoprimatology in the Neotropics and beyond."--Leslie E. Sponsel, University of Hawaii at Mānoa.

    Neotropical Ethnoprimatology: An Introduction
    About the Editors
    Part I: Mesoamerica
    Chapter 1: Perception and Uses of Primates Among Popoluca Indigenous People in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Methods
    1.3 Results
    1.3.1 Cultural and Traditional Aspects About Primates
    1.3.2 Emotive Perceptions About Primates
    1.3.3 Medicinal Use of Primates
    1.3.4 Use of Primates as Pets
    1.3.5 Use of Primates as Food
    1.3.6 Economic Uses and Perceptions About Primates 1.3.7 Perceived Ecological Importance of Primates
    1.3.8 Perceived Abundance and Distribution of Primates
    1.3.9 Perceived Threats to the Conservation of Primates
    1.3.10 Interest in Primate Conservation
    1.4 Discussion
    Chapter 2: Mental State Attribution to Nonhuman Primates and Other Animals by Rural Inhabitants of the Community of Conhuas Near the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 The Present Study
    2.3 Results
    2.3.1 The Folk Psychology of Basic Emotions Anger Fear Pain Joy
    2.3.2 The Folk Psychology of Complex Mental States Thinking, Intelligence, and Deceit Deceit
    2.4 Discussion
    2.5 Acknowledgments
    Appendix 1: Sociodemographic Information of Participants
    Appendix 2: List of Animal Cards Shown to Participants
    Chapter 3: Local Knowledge and Cultural Significance of Primates (Ateles geoffroyi and Alouatta pigra) Among Lacandon Maya from Chiapas, Mexico
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 The Lacandon Maya from Naha and Metzabok and Their Environment
    3.2.1 The Lacandon
    3.2.2 The Lacandon Environment 3.3 Monkeys in the Ancient Maya
    3.3.1 The Origin of Monkeys
    3.3.2 The Monkey: Lord of Writing
    3.3.3 Monkeys as Wahyis (Powerful Supernatural Spirits)
    3.3.4 Monkey-Cacao (Chocolate) Associations
    3.3.5 Primate Representations in the Archaeological Record
    3.4 Current Local Knowledge and Cultural Significance of Non-human Primates
    3.5 Conclusions
    Chapter 4: Representation and Signification of Primates in Maya-Q'eqchi' Cosmovision and Implications for Their Conservation in Northwestern Guatemala
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Study Area 4.3 Primates and Our Participatory Conservation Work
    4.4 Representation and Signification of Primates in Maya-Q'eqchi' Culture and Cosmovision
    4.4.1 Origin of Primates
    4.4.2 Family Lineages, Surnames, and Proper Names
    4.4.3 Sacred Mayan Calendar and the Nahual B'atz'
    4.4.4 Art
    4.4.5 Language
    4.4.6 Uses and Attitudes
    4.5 Implications for Primate and Habitat Conservation
    4.6 Final Considerations
    Part II: South America
    Chapter 5: Ethnoprimatology of the Tikuna in the Southern Colombian Amazon
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 The Tikuna
    Digital Access Springer 2020