BookDonald L. Budenz, editor.
Summary: Atlas of Optical Coherence Tomography for Glaucoma is a case-based atlas intended to teach the reader how to interpret the results of OCT in glaucoma patients and glaucoma suspects. After a brief description of how OCT is used in particular situations, chapters depict actual case presentations from authors practices with legends that describe the case and how OCT is used to make the diagnosis of glaucoma or glaucoma progression. Emphasis is placed on where OCT can lead the clinician astray by providing false positive or false negative results resulting in misdiagnosis. The intention of the format is to make it easily digestible in a weekend read and make the practitioner comfortable with OCT interpretation. Examples are presented from all of the available OCT manufacturers.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of OCT for Glaucoma
Raster Cube Scan: ONH
Multiline Raster Scan: Macula
Circular Scan: ONH
Radial and Radial-Concentric Scan: ONH
Wide-Field Scan: ONH and Macula
Chapter 2: What Makes for a Good OCT for Glaucoma?
Types of OCT Artifacts
Low Signal Strength
Out-of-Range Scan
Mirror Artifact
Blinking Artifact
Motion Artifact
Segmentation Error
Decentration Error
Takeaway Message
References Chapter 3: Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Analysis in Glaucoma
Chapter 4: Optical Coherence Tomography Optic Disc Parameters for Glaucoma
OCT Optic Disc Parameters
Choice of OCT Optic Disc Parameters for Glaucoma Diagnosis
Optic Disc Size as an Important Covariable in Diagnosing Glaucoma
Diagnosing Preperimetric Glaucoma Using OCT Optic Disc Parameters
Diagnosing Early Perimetric Glaucoma
Chapter 5: Macular Parameters for Glaucoma
Chapter 6: Anterior Segment OCT in Glaucoma AS-OCT Instrumentation and Measurements
Application in Primary Angle Closure Spectrum Disease
Anterior Segment Applications
Glaucoma Surgical Applications
Chapter 7: OCT Progression Analysis
Assessment of Progressive RNFL Thinning
Assessment of Progressive GCIPL Thinning
Assessment of Progressive Rim Narrowing
Chapter 8: Red and Green Disease in Glaucoma
Red and Green Disease Caused by Common OCT Artifacts
Red and Green Disease Caused by Ocular Diseases Unrelated to Glaucoma Red and Green Disease Caused by Differences Among SD-OCT Instruments
Chapter 9: Challenging Case Studies Using OCT
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
Case 9
Suggested Reading
Chapter 10: Emerging OCT Technologies for Glaucoma
Spectral Domain-Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (SD-OCTA)
Optic Disc Imaging
Swept Source-Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT)
Adaptive Optics-Optical Coherence Tomography