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  • Book
    volume editors, Piero Nicolai, Patrick J. Bradley.
    Summary: "This book covers recent substantial improvements in diagnosis and treatment of anterior skull base tumors. This has been fostered by the introduction and rapid expansion of transnasal endoscopic techniques, in parallel with extraordinary progress made in all the other disciplines (pathology, radiology, neurosurgery, radiation oncology, medical oncology) which are involved in the complex process of managing these tumors. Chapters address nuances of treatment in relation to histology, as well as present views on selection criteria for surgical techniques"-- Provided by publisher.

    Macroscopic and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Anterior Skull Base and Adjacent Structures / Ferrari M., Mattavelli D., Schreiber A., Nicolai P.
    Pathology and Differential Diagnosis of Anterior Skull Base Tumours / Williams M.D., El-Naggar A.K.
    The Role of Morphologic and Functional Imaging in Pretreatment Assessment / Maroldi R., Borghesi A., Ravanelli M., Golemi S., Farina D.
    Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery : Surgical Techniques and Complications / Battaglia P., Lambertoni A., Castelnuovo P.
    Anterior Skull Base Surgery in the 21st Century : The Role of Open Approaches / Abu-Ghanem S., Shilo S., Yehuda M., Abergel A., Safadi A., Fliss D.M.
    Update of Radiation Techniques Using Photons for Anterior Skull Base Tumors / Foster C.C., Kim J.K., Melotek J.M., Lee N.Y.
    The Evolving Role of Systemic Therapy in the Primary Treatment of Sinonasal Cancer / Licitra L., Resteghini C., Bossi P.
    Particle Therapy : Protons and Heavy Ions / Jensen A.D.
    Benign Tumors of the Anterior Cranial Base / Snyderman C.H., Lavigne J.P.
    Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches for Anterior Skull Base Meningiomas / Todeschini A.B., Beer-Furlan A., Otto B., Prevedello D.M., Carrau R.L.
    Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Variants / Mani N., Shah J.P.
    A Comprehensive Update on Intestinal- and Non-Intestinal-Type Adenocarcinomas / Vander Poorten V., Jorissen M.
    Olfactory Neuroblastoma / Veyrat M., Vérillaud B., Fiaux-Camous D., Froelich S., Bresson D., Nicolai P., Herman P.
    Neuroendocrine Carcinoma and Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma / Abdelmeguid A.S., Bell D., Hanna E.Y.
    Sinonasal Malignant Melanoma / Lund V.J.
    Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Involving Paranasal Sinuses and the Skull Base / Castelnuovo P., Turri-Zanoni M.
    Other Rare Sinonasal Malignant Tumours Involving the Anterior Skull Base / Naga R., Pai P.S.
    Post treatment Imaging Surveillance / Farina D., Zorra I., Golemi S., Lombardi D., Borghesi A., Maroldi R., Ravanelli M.
    Treatment Options for Recurrent Anterior Skull Base Tumors / Orlandi E., Iacovelli N.A., Ingargiola R., Resteghini C., Bossi P., Licitra L., Ferrari M., Nicolai P.
    Future Perspectives in the Management of Tumors of the Anterior Skull Base / Nicolai P., Bradley P.J., Bossi P., Ferrari M.
    Digital Access Karger 2020