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  • Book
    Yu-jie Liu, Jing Xue, Chang-ming Huang, Chun-bao Li, editors.
    Summary: This book provides novel arthroscopy techniques and applications to clinical practitioners, including sports medicine therapeutics, orthopaedic surgeons, specialist training candidates, rehabilitation clinicians. Small incisions per minimally invasive surgery using a camera mounted on a thin tube to visualize, repair and reconstruct joint-associated structures are accepted and welcomed by the sports medicine field. Arthroscopy technique as a minimally invasive surgical method, in Orthopeadics is not only for the treatment of intra-articular diseases but also an advanced conception for treatment of extra-articular diseases and peri-articular fractures. After performing years of arthroscopy, authors intend to provide an elite technique demonstration of each procedure, including indications, technique, complications, and results. There are three main parts of the book, including the extra-articular application of arthroscopy techniques, arthroscopic minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of intra-articular fractures, and Innovative technology for repair and reconstruction of bone and joint injuries. Key technical points and experience of arthroscopic repair of joint injuries, dislocation of joints, fixation of the intra-articular fractures, ligament release for limbs are illustrated. Special situations such as congenital torticollis, deltoid contracture, gluteal muscle contracture, bone grafting, removal of locking plate and screw and benign tumors treatment are also included.

    Part 1 Application of arthroscopy technology outside joints
    1 Endoscopic release of congenital muscular torticollis with radiofrequency under local anesthesia
    2 Arthroscopic acromioclavicular arthroplasty for Acromioclavicular impingement
    3 Radiofrequency Micro-debridement under Arthroscopy for Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
    4 Arthroscopic Transverse Carpal Ligament Release for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    5 Arthroscopic palmar membrane release for Dupuytren's disease
    6 Arthroscopic Release of the Deltoid Contracture
    7 Arthroscopic Gluteal Muscle Contracture Release with Radiofrequency Energy
    8 Removal of popliteal cyst under endoscopy
    9 Arthroscopic Curettage of Benign Bone Tumors
    10 Removal of plate and screws under endoscopy
    11 Minimally Invasive Arthroscopy for Achilles Tendinopathy
    12 Arthroscopic percutaneous suture of Achilles tendon ruptures
    13 Arthroscopic Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hallux Valgus Caused by Bunion
    Part 2 Arthroscopic minimally invasive technique for treatment of intra-articular fractures
    14 Arthroscopic prying reduction and fixation for the greater tuberosity fractures
    15 Arthroscopic reduction and fixation of bony bankart lesions
    16 Treatment of fracture of radial head with arthroscopic Prying reduction and fixation
    17 Arthroscopic treatment o of avulsion fracture of the tibial intercondylar eminence
    18 Treatment of tibial plateau fractures with Prying reduction and fixation under arthroscopy
    19 Arthroscopic poking reduction and fixation of ankle fractures
    Part 3 Innovative technology for repair and reconstruction of joint injuries
    20 Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament with tendon knot press fitted Technique
    21 Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Remnant Preserving Technique
    22 Femoral and Tibia Fixation with Cross-Pin System in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction by using Semitendinosus and Gracilis
    23 Applying Allogenetic Cortical Bon e Press-fit Screw in Fixation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
    24 Applying Allogenetic Cortical Bone Cross-pin in Fixation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
    25 Bone bio-anchors for repairing rotator cuff tear
    26 Repair of Bankart leisure with biological bone anchors
    27 Autologous scapular bone block with bone allograft pins for bony Bankart leisure
    28 Arthroscopic Superior Capsular Reconstruction Using "Sandwich" Complex Patch graft for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
    29 Clearance and radial head resection of Elbow joint of rheumatoid arthritis under arthroscopy
    30 Ankle arthrodesis under arthroscopy
    31 Debridement of Early Hip Joint Lesions in Ankylosing Spondylitis.
    Digital Access Springer 2020