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  • Book
    Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter.
    Summary: A classic that just keeps getting better, The Little SAS Book is essential for anyone learning SAS programming. Lora Delwiche and Susan Slaughter offer a user-friendly approach so that readers can quickly and easily learn the most commonly used features of the SAS language. Each topic is presented in a self-contained, two-page layout complete with examples and graphics. Nearly every section has been revised to ensure that the sixth edition is fully up-to-date. This edition is also interface-independent, written for all SAS programmers whether they use SAS Studio, SAS Enterprise Guide, or the S.

    Intro; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introducing SAS Software; About This Book; About These Authors; Getting Started Using SAS Software; 1.1 The SAS Language; 1.2 SAS Data Sets; 1.3 DATA and PROC Steps; 1.4 The DATA Step's Built-in Loop; 1.5 Choosing a Method for Running SAS; 1.6 Reading the SAS Log; 1.7 Using SAS System Options; Accessing Your Data; 2.1 Methods for Getting Your Data into SAS; 2.2 SAS Data Libraries and Data Sets; 2.3 Listing the Contents of a SAS Data Set; 2.4 Reading Excel Files with the IMPORT Procedure; 2.5 Accessing Excel Files Using the XLSX LIBNAME Engine 2.6 Reading Delimited Files with the IMPORT Procedure2.7 Telling SAS Where to Find Your Raw Data; 2.8 Reading Raw Data Separated by Spaces; 2.9 Reading Raw Data Arranged in Columns; 2.10 Reading Raw Data Not in Standard Format; 2.11 Selected Informats; 2.12 Mixing Input Styles; 2.13 Reading Messy Raw Data; 2.14 Reading Multiple Lines of Raw Data per Observation; 2.15 Reading Multiple Observations per Line of Raw Data; 2.16 Reading Part of a Raw Data File; 2.17 Controlling Input with Options in the INFILE Statement; 2.18 Reading Delimited Files with the DATA Step; Working with Your Data 3.1 Using the DATA Step to Modify Data3.2 Creating and Modifying Variables; 3.3 Using SAS Functions; 3.4 Selected SAS Character Functions; 3.5 Selected SAS Numeric Functions; 3.6 Using IF-THEN and DO Statements; 3.7 Grouping Observations with IF-THEN/ELSE Statements; 3.8 Subsetting Your Data in a DATA Step; 3.9 Subsetting Your Data using PROC SQL; 3.10 Writing Multiple Data Sets Using OUTPUT Statements; 3.11 Making Several Observations from One Using OUTPUT Statements; 3.12 Using Iterative DO, DO WHILE, and DO UNTIL Statements; 3.13 Working with SAS Dates 3.14 Selected Date Informats, Functions, and Formats3.15 Using RETAIN and Sum Statements; 3.16 Simplifying Programs with Arrays; 3.17 Using Shortcuts for Lists of Variable Names; 3.18 Using Variable Names with Special Characters; Sorting, Printing, and Summarizing Your Data; 4.1 Using SAS Procedures; 4.2 Subsetting in Procedures with the WHERE Statement; 4.3 Sorting Your Data with PROC SORT; 4.4 Changing the Sort Order for Character Data; 4.5 Printing Your Data with PROC PRINT; 4.6 Changing the Appearance of Data Values with Formats; 4.7 Selected Standard Formats 4.8 Creating Your Own Formats with PROC FORMAT4.9 Writing a Report to a Text File; 4.10 Summarizing Your Data Using PROC MEANS; 4.11 Writing Summary Statistics to a SAS Data Set; 4.12 Producing One-Way Frequencies with PROC FREQ; 4.13 Producing Crosstabulations with PROC FREQ; 4.14 Grouping Data with User-Defined Formats; 4.15 Producing Tabular Reports with PROC TABULATE; 4.16 Adding Statistics to PROC TABULATE Output; 4.17 Enhancing the Appearance of PROC TABULATE Output; 4.18 Changing Headers in PROC TABULATE Output; 4.19 Producing Simple Output with PROC REPORT
    Digital Access O'Reilly 2019