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  • Book
    by Philip Graham and Nick Midgley ; drawings by Christine Roche ; foreword by Philip Pullman.
    Summary: "This book is about depression in children and teenagers during their school years, from 5 to 18. It is written primarily for parents, but we hope that teachers, social workers, health visitors and family doctors will also find it useful. Why do parents need to know about possible depression in their children? All children get sad and miserable from time to time. Sometimes it is difficult to know if such normal unhappiness needs special attention. We aim to help parents in this situation. This is an example of a situation in which a mother describes how first she thought her son's problem was nothing much to worry about but then she had to change her mind: Ben's mother, a teacher, described the change that came over her ten-year-old son after a short viral illness"-- Provided by publisher.
    Digital Access Cambridge 2020
  • Book
    Australian Museum, Sydney.
    Digital Access
    Full text via HathiTrust
  • Article
    Wenzl H, Fried M.
    Fortschr Med. 1978 Aug 10;96(30):1483-8.
    The paper describes the long term results of 48 patients treated operatively or conservatively because of injury to the cruciate ligaments. The first part deals with the main problems in treating these damages. The second part draws up the extent, age and cause of the injury in these 48 patients. 21 patients (with 22 damages to the cruciate ligaments) underwent clinical and radiological follow-up examination. There were 1 very good, 4 good, 11 fair, and 6 bad results. The results felt subjectively by the patients were: 5 very good, 6 good, 8 fair, and 3 bad.
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