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  • Book
    Ashish Dwivedi, Neeraj Agarwal, Lipika Ray, Amit Kumar Tripathi, editors.
    Summary: This book summarizes the potent effect of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on the photoaging and cancer formation. Skin is the largest human organ which continually reconstructs itself to ensure its viability, integrity, and ability to provide protection for the body. This protection can be compromised by the aging of the skin which ultimately promotes skin inflammation, impaired wound repair, and increased risk of skin cancer. The book entails mechanistic insights into the UVR-induced immunomodulation and DNA damage in the skin to delineate the pathogenesis, and develop novel ways for prevention of photoaging of the skin cells. It also elucidates the potential of nanotechnology in the treatment of skin cancer. Further, it discusses the bioinformatics approaches to understand the molecular mechanism of photoaging and cancer formation.

    Chapter 1. Skin anatomy & morphology
    Chapter 2. Cellular & Molecular events: skin aging & cancer
    Chapter 3. Human skin stem cell and aging
    Chapter 4. UV-R induced skin damage: Skin againg & cancer
    Chapter 5. UV-R induced immunomodulation :Skin aging & cancer
    Chapter 6. UV-R and Role of Pigmentation in skin aging & cancer
    Chapter 7. UV-R and Vitamin D synthesis
    Chapter 8. UV-R induced melanin chemi-excitation in melanoma pathogenesis
    Chapter 9. Future prospective of nanotechnology in skin cancer therapeutics
    Chapter 10. Role of bioinformatics in understanding of molecular mechanism and prevention of skin cancer
    Chapter 11. UV-R interaction with skin. Cases of study
    Chapter 12. Monitoring the genotoxic potential of sunlight and DNA photoprotection of sunscreen.
    Digital Access Springer 2019
  • Article
    Grossklaus D.
    Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 1978 Jul 01;91(13):272.
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