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  • Book
    Rattan Lal, Rosa Francaviglia, editors.
    Summary: This book addresses the threats that hamper the achievement of sustainable soil management: soil erosion by water and wind, soil organic carbon loss, nutrient imbalance, salinization, contamination, acidification, loss of soil biodiversity, surface sealing, compaction and water logging. The specific focus is on preventive and ameliorative strategies for sustainable soil management.

    Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Environmental Microbial Health Under Changing Climates: State, Implication and Initiatives for High-Performance Soils; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Soil Biological Fertility and Soil Health; 1.3 Soil Performance and Climate Changes; 1.3.1 Impacts of Climate Changes on Soil Microbial Diversity and Abundance; 1.3.2 Impact of Climate Change on Rhizospheres; 1.3.3 Impact of Changing Climate on Soil Biological Fertility; 1.4 Maintaining High-Performance Soil Health in Changing Climates; 1.4.1 Soil Microbial Health Assessment 1.4.2 Soil Amendments with 'Green' Inorganic Materials1.4.3 Soil Improvement with Organic Amendments; 1.4.4 Biological Amelioration Through Augmentation; 1.4.5 Combination of Mineral, Organic and Biological Amendments for Soil Health; 1.5 Conclusions, Challenges and the Way Forward; References; 2 Deep Carbon Sequestration in Cropping Systems; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Stock and Its Distribution; 2.3 Factors Affecting SOC Distribution Within the Soil Profile; 2.3.1 Climate, Soil, and Vegetation Type; 2.3.2 SOC Input; 2.3.3 SOC Translocation Processes 2.3.4 SOC Protection Mechanisms2.4 Management Factors Affecting SOC Distribution; 2.4.1 Tillage; 2.4.2 Rotation and Crop Type; 2.4.3 Fertilization; 2.5 Methods to Quantify SOC in the Soil Profile; 2.6 Conclusions; References; 3 Organic Matter Management in Cereals Based System: Symbiosis for Improving Crop Productivity and Soil Health; 3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 Importance of Cereals Crops; 3.1.2 Cereals Are Exhaustive Crops and Decrease Soil Fertility; 3.1.3 The Role of Chemical Fertilizers in Cereals Production and Soil Health 3.1.4 The Role of Organic Fertilizers (Organic Matter) in Cereals Production and Soil Health3.1.5 The Role of Biofertilizers (Beneficial Microbes) in Cereals Production and Soil Health; 3.1.6 The Role of Integrated Nutrients Management (INM) in Cereals Production and Soil Health; 3.1.7 Improving Soil Health: A Successful Life for All; 3.2 Conclusions; References; 4 Impact of Mineral P Fertilization on Trace Elements in Cropland Soils; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 A Brief History of P Fertilization; 4.3 Impact of Mineral P Fertilization on Trace Elements in Cropland Soils 4.4 Austrian Long-Term P Field Experiments4.4.1 Description of the Long-Term Experimental Sites and Methods Used; 4.4.2 Results-Acid Soluble Elements in Soils and Crops; 4.4.3 Discussion; 4.5 Sustainable Agricultural P Management Options; 4.6 Conclusions; References; 5 Remote Sensing and Sustainable Management of SOC in the Sahelian Area; 5.1 Introduction; 5.1.1 The Study Area; 5.1.2 Organic Carbon in the Sahelian Soils; 5.2 Methodological Approach; 5.2.1 Digitization of the Limits; 5.2.2 The Sampling Strategy; 5.2.3 The Use of Remote Sensed Data; 5.2.4 The Multiple Linear Regression; 5.2.5 The Interpolation Techniques in SOC Mapping Model.
    Digital Access Springer 2019