BookWen-Yan Han, Xin Li, Golam Jalal Ahammed, editors.
Summary: This book focuses on the existing knowledge regarding the effect of global climate change on tea plant physiology, biochemistry, and metabolism as well as economic and societal aspects of the tea industry. Specifically, this book synthesizes recent advances in the physiological and molecular mechanisms of the responses of tea plants to various abiotic and biotic stressors including high temperature, low temperature or freezing, drought, low light, UV radiation, elevated CO2, ozone, nutrient deficiency, insect herbivory, and pathogenic agents. This book also discusses challenges and potential management strategies for sustaining tea yield and quality in the face of climate change. Dr. Wen-Yan Han is a Professor and Dr. Xin Li is an Associate Professor at the Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TRI, CAAS), Hangzhou, PR China. Dr. Golam Jalal Ahammed is an Associate Professor at the Department of Horticulture, College of Forestry, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, PR China.
Intro; Dedication; Foreword; Preface; Contents;
Chapter 1: Global Climate Change, Ecological Stress, andTea Production; 1 Introduction; 2 Global Climate Change Trends; 3 Climate Change Effects onAgriculture andTea Physiology; 4 Socioeconomic Implications ofClimate Change inMajor Tea-Producing Areas Globally; 5 Conclusion; References;
Chapter 2: Understanding Response ofTea Plants toHeat Stress andtheMechanisms ofAdaptation; 1 Introduction; 2 Identification ofHeat Stress-Related Functional Genes fromTea Plant 2 Cold Acclimation: ANecessary Process toIncrease Low-Temperature Tolerance2.1 Freezing Tolerance Measurements andPhysiological Changes DuringCA; 2.2 Identification andCharacterization ofLow-Temperature-Responsive Genes; 2.3 Major Signals andPathways Involved intheRegulation ofLow-Temperature Tolerance; 3 Bud Dormancy: AnImportant Strategy forSurviving Freezing Cold DuringWinter; 3.1 Physiological or Biochemical Changes inOverwintering Buds; 3.2 Major Mechanisms Involved intheRegulation ofBud Dormancy 3 Identification ofHeat Stress-Related Transcription Factor Genes ofTea Plant4 Reliable Reference Genes forNormalization ofExpression Profiles ofGenes Related Heat Stress inTea Plant; 5 Verification ofHeat Stress-Related Genes ofTea Plant inTransgenic Plants; 6 Transcriptome Analysis ofTea Plant; 7 MiRNA Analysis ofTea Plant; 8 Proteomic, Metabolomic, andGenomic Approaches ofHeat Stress inTea Plant; 9 Future Perspectives; References;
Chapter 3: Response andAdaptation Mechanisms ofTea Plant toLow-Temperature Stress; 1 Introduction 3.3 Key Genes andTranscription Factors Involved intheRegulation ofBud Dormancy4 Secondary Metabolic Changes that Are Affected byLow Temperature; 5 Challenges andFuture Perspectives; References;
Chapter 4: Response ofTea Plants toDrought Stress; 1 Introduction; 2 Morphological Responses; 3 Physiological andBiochemical Responses; 3.1 Water Relations; 3.2 Photosynthesis; 3.3 Photosynthetic Pigments; 3.4 Nutrient Elements; 3.5 Plant Growth Substances; 3.6 Osmotic Adjustment; 3.7 Carbohydrates; 3.8 Oxidative Damage; 3.9 Antioxidants; 4 Molecular Responses; 5 Conclusion; References
Chapter 5: Molecular andPhysiological Adaptations ofTea Plant inResponse toLow Light andUV Stress1 Codifying theSunlight: "Bright" Information forTea Plant Metabolism; 2 Shade inCamellia sinensis: Is It Beneficial?; 2.1 Ecophysiological Adaptations; 2.2 Anatomical andUltrastructural Changes andColor Variation; 2.3 Biochemical Responses; 3 Ultraviolet-B Radiation inCamellia sinensis: Stressor or Enhancer?; 4 Conclusions; References;
Chapter 6: UV-B Radiation-Induced Changes inTea Metabolites andRelated Gene Expression; 1 Introduction