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- BookTrish Chudleigh, Alison Smith, Sonia Cumming.Summary: This highly illustrated manual is ideal for both the trainee and experienced sonographer that covers the full range of obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound examinations undertaken within a secondary referral setting. It combines the practicalities of how to perform these examinations with the information needed to interpret the findings and construct a clinically useful report. The new edition of this well-established book expands its scope to provide an understanding of ultrasound imaging within the clinical management of the gynaecological patient. Elsewhere, its obstetric content has been fully updated with the latest technological, clinical and medico-legal information relevant to routine practice. Furthermore, its experienced sonographer authors continue to advise on the practical aspects of scanning as well as the role, value and limitations of ultrasound in the diagnosis of different diseases thus providing firm foundations in both obstetric and gynaecological imaging. -- Back cover.
The principles of ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound and instrumentation
Preparing to scan
Starting to scan using the transabdominal route
Starting to scan using the transvaginal route
Assessing the early intrauterine pregnancy
Problems of early pregnancy
Dating and screening the pregnancy between 10 and 14 weeks
First steps in examining the second trimester pregnancy
Assessing the fetal head, brain, neck and face
Assessing the chest and heart
Assessing the abdomen
Ultrasound assessment of the spine and limbs
Assessing fetal growth, amniotic fluid, fetal and uterine artery Dopplers
Placental and cervical imaging
Multiple pregnancy
Scanning the non pregnant pelvis
The menstrual cycle, the menopause and the effects of exogenous hormones
Uterine and ovarian anomalies
Characterization of adnexal cysts, differential diagnoses of the pelvis and report writing
Professional issues
Appendix 1-11.Digital Access ClinicalKey Nursing 2017 - ArticleWeclew TV.Gen Dent. 1977 Mar-Apr;25(2):31-5.