Bookedited by Ian Symonds, Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran.
-- Preface
1. Anatomy of the female pelvis
2. Conception and implantation
3. Physiological changes in pregnancy
4. Placental and fetal growth and development
5. Perinatal and maternal mortality
6. History taking and examination in obstetrics
7. Normal pregnancy and antenatal care
8. Obstetric disorders
9. Maternal medicine
10. Congenital abnormalities and assessment of fetal wellbeing
11. Management of labour
12. Management of delivery
13. Postpartum and early neonatal care
14. Mental health and childbirth
15. Basic clinical skills in gynaecology
16. Gynaecological disorders
17. Infertility
18. Early pregnancy care
19. Sexual and reproductive health
20. Gynaecological oncology
21. Prolapse and disorders of the urinary tract
Principles of perioperative care
Governance, audit and research
Medicolegal aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology
OSCE stations: Questions
OSCE stations: Answers
Self-assessment: Questions
Self-assessment: Answers --