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  • Book
    editors, Fiona Timmins and Sílvia Caldeira.
    Summary: This book provides a condensed but comprehensive up-to-date overview of spirituality and its application to health care. The need for healthcare workers to provide spiritual care or meet patients’ spiritual needs is gaining increasing importance in nursing and midwifery policy at local, national and international level. Internationally, there is a growing belief in spirituality as a valid dimension of care.The book highlights a range of examples and case studies facilitating the practical application of the recommendations discussed. In addition to presenting new psychological perspectives, various activities throughout will encourage readers to form their own opinion on the issues covered. The suggestions for further reading and useful websites will also help readers interested in exploring specific areas in more depth. Combining contributions by authors from various disciplines, the book offers a valuable tool for qualified professional healthcare workers in practice, including nurses, social workers, doctors and chaplains. With its handy format, this practical pocket guide offers a faithful companion for practitioners.

    What is Spirituality?
    The psychology of spirituality and religion in healthcare
    Spiritual assessment in healthcare: an overview of comprehensive, sensitive approaches to spiritual assessment for use within the interdisciplinary healthcare team
    Spirituality is a Public Health Issue – The potential role of spirituality in promoting health
    Health Outcomes of Religious and Spiritual Belief, Behavior, and Belonging: Implications for Healthcare Professionals
    Spirituality and Childbirth
    Providing spiritual care – An exploration of required spiritual care competencies in health care and their impact on health care provision
    The role of the nurse in providing spiritual care – A case study approach to exploring specific care provision by healthcare workers in the context of an interdisciplinary healthcare team
    Loss and Grief in people with Intellectual disability
    The Role of the Healthcare Chaplain – A summary of the contribution of healthcare chaplains to modern health care practice
    Teaching and Learning about Spirituality in Healthcare Practice Settings
    Working with diversity – An overview of diversity in contemporary society and the effect of this on healthcare situations
    Being Human: Cultivating Mindfulness and Compassion for Daily Living.
    Digital Access Springer 2019
  • Article
    Savenkov PM, Shcherbatkin DD, Grudtsyn GV, Katashchuk GI, Tarnuev VA.
    Kardiologiia. 1978 Mar;18(3):43-7.
    Digital Access Access Options
  • Book
    von Joachim G. Leithäuser.
    Print [1965]