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- BookAndreas Otte.Summary: This book offers a critical approach to the challenging interpretation of new research data obtained using functional neuroimaging in whiplash injury. It covers all aspects, including the imaging tools themselves and the different methods of image analysis.
Intro; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Abbreviations;
1: Introduction; 1.1 General Aspects; 1.1.1 The Term "Whiplash Injury"; 1.1.2 Symptoms; 1.2 Incidence; 1.3 Historical Aspects; 1.3.1 Barré's "Syndrome Sympathique Cervical Postérieur"; 1.3.2 The Term "Railway Spine"; 1.3.3 Maurice Ravel; 1.4 Biomechanics; 1.4.1 General Aspects; 1.4.2 Protection Systems to Avoid Whiplash Injury; 1.4.3 Sequence of Phases During a Typical Whiplash Injury; 1.4.4 Timing of Neck Muscle Contraction;
2: Diagnostics; 2.1 Diagnostic Procedure After Whiplash Injury; 2.2 New Iteration Algorithms 2.3 Stereotaxic Atlas of Talairach and Tournoux2.4 Other Stereotaxic Atlas Systems; 2.4.1 Computerized Brain Atlas; 2.4.2 Montreal Atlas; 2.5 Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM); 2.6 Control Group;
3: Current Research Data; 3.1 Mild Traumatic Brain Injury; 3.1.1 General Aspects; 3.1.2 Special Cases; Bicycle Accident; Car Accident; 3.2 Whiplash Injury; 3.2.1 Early Studies from Otte et al.; 3.2.2 Studies from Bicik/Radanov et al.; 3.2.3 Newer Studies from 2002 to 2012; 3.2.4 Latest Studies: Whiplash Revisited 3.3 3D Visualization of Regions of Cerebral Activation and Deactivation3.4 Excursus on Functional Brain Regions; 3.5 Differential Diagnostic List; 3.6 Whiplash Trauma and the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease;
4: Conclusion; 4.1 The Dilemma; 4.2 Future Research;
5: Clinical Aspects; About the Author; BibliographyDigital Access Springer 2019