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- BookRakesh Srivastava.Summary: This book covers all aspects of narrow band imaging (NBI), including research, general principles and diagnostic features in various ENT pathologies. In addition to highlighting the advantages of NBI over white light endoscopy for the detection of early cancers and lesions that are less than 1 cm in diameter, the book offers a step-by-step approach to help readers easily grasp various pathologies of the upper aerodigestive tract. It discusses both malignant and non-malignant aspects of NBI and provides extensive information on inflammatory lesions of the upper aerodigestive tract, including various clinical features of laryngopharyngeal reflux. Subsequent chapters cover the most difficult aspects of NBI in treated mucosa (post-chemo radiated), in which the potential recurrence of disease is a key question. It also addresses the limitations of NBI, including false positive and false negative cases. Given its scope, the book will benefit otolaryngologists, oncosurgeons, radiation oncologists and oral medicine practitioners, as well as graduate students of ENT, radiotherapy, oral medicine and oncosurgery.
Introduction to narrow band imaging
History and research in narrow band imaging
Optical image enhancement technology in narrow band imaging
Tips and tricks of narrow band imaging
Narrow band imaging of normal mucosa (oral cavity/oropharynx/laryngopharynx)
Narrow band imaging and other similar technology
Narrow band imaging in benign disease (oral cavity/oropharynx/laryngopharynx)
Narrow band imaging in malignant disease (oral cavity/oropharynx/laryngopharynx)
Narrow band imaging in treated cases (post-surgery and chemoradiation therapy)
Limitations of narrow band imaging
Narrow band imaging with 4K technology. - ArticleReynolds AF, Turner PT, Loeser JD.J Neurosurg. 1978 May;48(5):809-10.A case is presented in which fracture of the right anterior superior iliac spine occurred 2 weeks after the right iliac crest had been used as the donor site for a two-level anterior disectomy and fusion.