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    Thomas Bodenheimer [and eight others].
    Summary: "Residency teaching programs have two equally important missions: educating tomorrow's doctors and caring for today's patients. This report offers observations made in 23 family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric resident teaching clinics around the United States. We found that several of those residency programs are demonstrating that good education for tomorrow's doctors requires excellent care for today's patients. Currently, clinics that train the nation's future primary care physicians face major challenges. Faculty physicians and resident learners often spend only one to two half-days per week in clinic, making it difficult to provide continuity of care and prompt access for patients, who are often from underserved communities. Moreover, a "training gap" exists between the inpatient focus of many residency programs and the reality that the majority of health care occurs in the outpatient setting. Residents and medical students are less likely to enter ambulatory primary care careers as a result of poor experiences in teaching clinics. The observations offered in this report are based on detailed site visits conducted from 2013 to 2015 by a team from the Center for Excellence in Primary Care (CEPC) at the University of California, San Francisco. The observations are organized according to the primary care improvement model—the Building Blocks of High-Performing Primary Care—which includes 10 features of good primary care"--Executive summary.

    Executive summary
    Conceptual model: the building blocks of high-performing primary care
    Building block 1: Engaged leadership
    Building block 2: Data-driven improvement
    Building block 3: Empanelment
    Building block 4: Team-based care
    Building block 5: Patient-team partnership
    Building block 6: Population management
    Building block 7: Continuity of care
    Building block 8: Prompt access to care
    Building blocks 7 and 8: Continuity of care and prompt access to care
    Building block 9: Comprehensiveness and care coordination
    Building block 10: Template of the future
    Resident building block 1: Resident scheduling
    Resident building block 2: Resident engagement
    Resident building block 3: Resident worklife
    Digital Access R2Library 2016