BookQiao Niu, editor.
Summary: "This book reviews the scientific literature and the authors' own research linking aluminum neurotoxicity with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD). It focuses on aluminum levels in the brain, region-specific and subcellular distribution, and its relation to neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid beta. Further, the book stresses the importance of aluminum's complex speciation chemistry in relation to biology, and details aluminum's mechanism in oxidative stress and cell death, especially in connection with apoptosis and necroptosis. The electrophysiological variation and synaptic plasticity induced by aluminum are covered, while the metal's debatable role in AD and the cross-talk between aluminum and genetic susceptibility are also discussed. In closing, the book reviews the neurotoxic effects of aluminum and its important role in the pathogenesis of AD. Given its depth of coverage, the book provides readers with a systematic summary of aluminum neurotoxicity"--Publisher's description.
Overview of the relationship between aluminum exposure and health of human being / Qiao Niu
The chemistry of human exposure to aluminium / Christopher Exley
Entry and deposit of aluminum in the brain / Linping Wang
Aluminum as a CNS and immune system toxin across the life span / Christopher A. Shaw
Occupational exposure to aluminum and cognitive impairment / Xiaoting Lu
Exposure to aluminum in daily life and Alzheimer's disease / Jisheng Nie
Animal model of aluminum-induced Alzheimer's disease / Jing Song
Aluminum-induced neural cell death / Qinli Zhang
Aluminum-induced electrophysiological variation, synaptic plasticity impairment, and related mechanism / Huifang Zhang
Cross talk between aluminum and genetic susceptibility and epigenetic modification in Alzheimer's disease / Ruifeng Liang.