BookJihad H. Kaouk, editor ; Robert J. Stein, Georges-Pascal Haber, associate editors.
History and evolution of LESS
Consent and IRB requirements
Laboratory and experimental foundation for LESS
Instruments for LESS
Ports and instruments for LESS
Multichannel vs Multiports access
Home-made ports
Curved vs articulating vs flexible instruments
Needlescopic instruments
Surgical Scopes
Angulated vs steerable
Internal retractors and miscellaneous instruments for LESS
Robotic systems in LESS
Laparoscopic surgery
Upper tract applications
LESS Adrenal Surgery
LESS Radical Nephrectomy
LESS Partial Nephrectomy
LESS Pyeloplasty
LESS Ileal Ureter
Lower urinary tract applications
LESS radical prostatectomy
LESS radical cystectomy
Transvesicle LESS applications
Robotic Surgery
Robotic LESS Adrenal Surgery
Robotic LESS Radical and Partial Nephrectomy
Robotic LESS Pyeloplasty
Robotic LESS Radical Prostatectomy
Robotic Less Radical cystectomy
LESS in the pediatric Population
Complications of LESS
Future Directions for LESS.