BookJoshua C. Collins, Tonette S. Rocco, Lawrence O. Bryant, editors.
Summary: Minority status in the United States often accompanies diminished access to education, employment, and subsequently healthcare. This volume explores factors that have contributed to health disparities among racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities. (Back cover).
Disparities in healthcare for racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities / Joshua C. Collins, Tonette S. Rocco
The Black church: promoting health, fighting disparities / Michael L. Rowland, E. Paulette Isaac-Savage
Literacy and health disparities / Esther Prins, Angela Mooney
Injection drug users, Aboriginality, and HIV: a postcolonial glance from a strong ally / John P. Egan
Alcoholism and lesbians / Julie Gedro
Tobacco use among sexual minorities / Lawrence O. Bryant, Lorenzo Bowman
HIV-negative gay men and autoimmune diseases / Joshua C. Collins, Tonette S. Rocco
African American women and HIV/AIDS / Lisa M. Baumgartner
Partnerships and collaborations in promoting health and wellness in minority communities: lessons learned and future directions / Lawrence O. Bryant.